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Contoh Tawaran Skripsi Cuilan I Bahasa Inggris Wacana Correlation

Contoh Tawaran Skripsi  Cuilan I Bahasa Inggris Wacana Correlation
Contoh Tawaran Skripsi  Cuilan I Bahasa Inggris Wacana Correlation

Contoh Proposal Skripsi  Bab I Bahasa Inggris Tentang Correlation

Pada kesempataan ini IBI akan membagikan teladan usulan skripsi pecahan I tentang correlation between students’ reading habit and students’ reading comprehension in first grade of ingusan high school, Mari kita simak.

Contoh Proposal Skripsi  Bab I Bahasa Inggris Tentang Correlation Contoh Proposal Skripsi  Bab I Bahasa Inggris Tentang Correlation
Contoh Proposal Skripsi Bab I Bahasa Inggris Tentang Correlation



This chapter presents background of the research, formulations of the research, objectives of the research, uses of the research, scope of the research, and definition of terms clarified like the following.


  • Background of the Research

In line with developments in science and technology is rapidly increasing, especially in printing technology, the more information stored in the book. At all levels of education, literacy becomes a priority scale that must be mastered students. By reading the students will acquire a variety of information that has not previously been obtained. The more read the more information obtained. Therefore, reading is a window of the world, anyone who opens a window that can see and know everything that happened. Both events happened in the past, present, and even that will come. Many of the benefits derived from reading. Therefore, students must do so on the basis of need, not because of a compulsion. If students are reading on the basis of need, then he will get all the information he wants. But on the contrary, if students are reading on the basis of coercion, then the information he obtained would not be maximal.


According to Wallace and Larsen (1987), reading is a multi faceted process, which can be described at various time and developmental stages as a thinking process. Reading ability is the main concern of English to be able to read English text books, journals, and references etc. They cannot rally too much on the Indonesian version of the English text books. Since most of textbooks and references are written in English, many students who find difficulties in comprehending them usually have their texts translated or extracted. It will be better if they can do it by themselves, rather than depend on their English teachers.


We all know that reading is a process of thinking. Reading is a very complex and complicated process that involves some factors influential upon each other. Because of the students have the lower skills in interferential reading comprehension. The writer has opinion that reading habit supports the student to be able to comprehend the text. That is the reason why the writer wants to show that reading habit is very important to support inferential reading comprehension. Reading is also an activity that is active receptive language. Said to be active, because in the act of reading really an interaction between reader and writer, and said to be receptive, because the reader acting as receiver of the message in a correlation of communication between write rand reader that is direct.  For students, reading is not only a role in the control subjects who learned only. But reading is also instrumental in knowing the various kinds of advanced science and technology continues to evolve. Through reading, advances in science and technology can be known and understood before it can be applied. Reading is one of the four basic language skills, and is a part or component of the communication.

Simanjuntak (1988) says that reading habit is the number of repetitions in given time to read the English text. She also says that reading comprehension understands of a text written in English as proved by the ability to correctly choose the right answer of the question asked from the text. The students usually have different level of ability in reading. Mc Shane and Glinow (2007) say that ability is the natural aptitudes and learned capabilities required to successfully complete a task.


The four language skills have a very close relationship with each other, and mutually correlated. A baby in the early stages, he can only hear, and listen to what the people around him say. Then because of the frequent hearing and listening gradually he will imitate sounds or words that are heard by learning to speak. After entering the school age, he will learn to read starting from the known letters to assemble the letters into a word even be a sentence. Then he will begin to learn to write letters, words, and sentences. Language skills correlated with thought processes that underlie language. So there is a phrase, “One’s language reflects the mind”. The more skilled a person speaks the brighter and clear thoughts. Reading activities need to be socialized from an early age, i.e. ranging from children recognizes letters. Make reading as a necessity and be fun for students. Reading can be done anywhere and anytime as long as there is desire, passion, and motivation. If this is true, expected reading can be a part of life that cannot be separated as a slogan that says “No day without reading”. This course requires persistence and continuous pembinaan to train the habit of reading to the reading, especially reading comprehension can be achieved. The ability to read is the speed of reading and understanding all the contents.

Complaints about the poor reading habits and reading skills at the level of upper secondary school (high school) cannot be said to be the negligence of teachers at your school. But this must be returned to the habituation to read when the students are still small. The roles of the parents are more dominant in forming the reading habits of children. How are could a child have t he habit of reading high while his parents never gave an example and guide their children to get accustomed to reading. Because a child will be more interested and motivated to do something if accompanied by the example, not a theory or tell it. When a child enters school age, the teacher has a role in developing interest in reading which then can improve students’ reading habits. Thus, parents and teachers alike have a crucial role in shaping and improving the reading habits of children.

The reality show questions Final Examination Schools (UAS) most demanding students’ understanding in finding and determining the basic mind, the main sentence, read charts, plot, message, settings, and so on. Without the understanding of high reading ability, students may be impossible to answer such questions. This is where the important role of reading comprehension to determine the correct answer. Not to mention with the standard passing score, this triggers Indonesian teachers in particular to be able to achieve the sasaran value.


In the previous research, the researcher find some examples that may be able to support this research, the research can be more qualified can be accepted by all circles, especially in education. To support and strengthen this study the researcher finds some samples.

The first previous research overview is conducted by W Setyaning Budhi Candrawati with the title “A Correlational Study On Students’ Translation Ability, Reading Habit, and Students’ Reading Comprehension of The Tenth Grade Students of Sekolah Menengan Atas N Kebak Kramat Academic Year 2008/2009”. The objective of the study is to know whether there is a positive correlation between (1) translation ability and reading comprehension; (2) reading habit and reading comprehension; (3) translation ability, reading habit, and reading comprehension. In this research, the researcher used the correlation method. This research was carried out in November 2008. The population of this research is all the tenth grade students of Sekolah Menengan Atas N Kebak Kramat Academic Year 2008/2009, consisting of 314 students. The sample of this study is class X7, which consists of 50 students. The sampling technique used is cluster random sampling. In collecting data, the researcher used questionnaire for reading habit, and test for translation ability and reading comprehension. The Form of questionnaire was close type questionnaire. Meanwhile, the forms of the tests were multiple choice translation ability and reading comprehension. The techniques of data analysis are simple and multiple regression, and correlation. From the result of the study, it can be concluded that (1) There is correlation between students’ translation ability and reading comprehension; (2) There is correlation between students’ reading habit and reading comprehension; (3) There is correlation between students’ translation ability, reading habit toward reading comprehension. The correlation among those variables is shown by the regression line Ŷ=11.9932 + 0.31. The analysis also indicates that the coefficient determination of translation ability and reading habit to reading comprehension is 62.41%. It means that 62.41% variance of reading comprehension ability is influenced by translation ability and reading habit while the 37.59% is contributed by other factors.

The second previous research overview is conducted by Umah Rohmatul, with the title “The Correlation Between Reading Habit And Achievement In Reading Comprehension Of The Second Years Students At Mtsn Aryojeding  Rejotangan Tulungagung”. This study was conducted to know the students reading habit and the students’ achievement in reading comprehension and correlation between the two variables. There were two problems: How high are the student’s achievements in reading comprehensions?, Is there any correlation between reading habit and achievement in reading comprehension? This study was conducted to improve whether there was a correlation between reading habit and achievement in reading comprehension for the second year of MTsN Aryojeding Rejotangan Tulungagung. The subject of this study was 50 students of the second year’s students of MTsN Aryojeding Rejotangan Tulungagung. They were considered as the sample of the whole population. It was assumed that reading habit in English was very important in learning English. As doing assignments or home works, preparing the lesson at home, using a spare time for reading etc. it would be useful for improvement of their ability in reading comprehension. This study was to verify the hypothesis that there was a positive correlation between reading habit and achievement in reading comprehension. This study was obtained by field research by giving questionnaire and a reading comprehension test. The data of this study were collected by questionnaire and records of the students achievement in reading comprehension the questionnaire consist of 20 items and each item consist of four options, and achievement in reading comprehension consist 20 item test. The statistic of this study was computed by means of rxy was 0,662, which was larger than level of significant of 0, 05 = 0,279. The result showed that there was a positive correlation between reading habit and achievement in reading comprehension.

In the previous research, the researcher find some examples that may be able to support this research, the research can be more qualified can be accepted by all circles, especially in education. To support and strengthen this study the researcher finds some samples. This is what makes the researcher are interested in conducting research to determine how the habit of reading and comprehension of students in Upper Secondary School Level. The author would put it in this thesis with the title “The Correlation between Students’ Reading Habit and Students’ Reading Comprehension in the first grade of Sekolah Menengah Pertama N 1 Terpadu”.


  • Formulation of the Research

Based on the duduk kasus background above, the researcher formulates the duduk kasus as follows:

Is there any significant positive correlation between students’ reading habit and their reading comprehension ability in the first grade of Sekolah Menengah Pertama N 1 Terpadu?



  • Objectives of the Research

Concerning to the duduk kasus above, the objectives of this research is to find out whether there is significant positive correlation between students’ reading habit and their reading comprehension ability in the first grade of Sekolah Menengah Pertama N 1 Terpadu.


  • Uses of the Research

After doing research, the researcher hopes the result can be useful for and teacher will consider the right method to teach reading to students. The researcher hopes that this research will have some benefits in the study of English especially in teaching Reading comprehension. There are two kinds of benefits in this research as follows:

  1. Theoretical Benefit

The result of this research hopefully can be used to improve reading skill, especially on students’ reading habit and reading comprehension.

  1. Practical Benefit

  2. For Students

  3. The result of this research hopefully can be used as a starting point to develop students’ understanding about reading habit and reading comprehension.

  4. The result of this research hopefully can be used to increase students’ reading habit in reading English material.

  5. Student hopefully will have a greater habit to read English text.


  1. For Teachers

  2. The result of this research hopefully can be used by the teachers as a starting point to improve reading comprehension.

  3. The resultsofthis research hopefully can be used by the teachers as a starting point to improve students’ reading performance.

  4. For Other Researchers

The result of the research can be a reference for another researcher in conducting further research about relationship between reading habit and reading comprehension at different level of students.


  • Scope of the Research

This research focuses on students’ reading comprehension ability. The main objective of this research was to find out the correlation between students’ reading habit and students’ reading comprehension ability that is identified through the use of students’ habit questionnaire and reading test that texts are taken from students’ text book. This research will be conducted for students in the first grade of ingusan high school. The researcher will take only one class as the sample by using simple random probably sampling. The reading aspects to be evaluated cover main idea, supporting detail, inference, reference, and vocabulary.


  • Definition of Terms

In order to reflect the research items, there are some terms that are used by the researcher in making this research, to make it clear the researcher gives some definitions as follows:

  1. Correlation

Correlation is a mutual relation or connection, especially for affecting or depending on each other; (try to) show such a relation or connection something and something else (Hornby, 1990).

  1. Reading

Reading is a multi faceted process, which can be described at various time and developmental stages as a thinking process (Wallace and Larsen, 1987)

  1. Reading Habit

Reading habit is the number of repetitions in given time to read the English text (Simanjuntak, 1988).

  1. Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension understands of a text written in English as proved by the ability to correctly choose the right answer of the question asked from the text (Simanjuntak, 1988).

  1. Ability

Ability is the natural aptitudes and learned capabilities required to successfully complete a task (Mc Shane and Glinow, 2007)

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